Opportunity to Join the Board / Committee

As we approach the end of a successful year, we are pleased to invite you to our Annual Homeowners Association (HOA) Member Meeting. This gathering is a valuable opportunity for us to come together as a community, reflect on the past year, and plan for the future.

Date: September 10, 2024
Time: 7 PM
Location: Piru Community Center, 802 Orchard Street

Highlights from the Past Year:

  • Community Enhancements: We have successfully completed several beautification projects, including re-mulching and re-seeding grass, replacing dead plant materials and addressing the prolonged irrigation and water pressure problems. These efforts have contributed to the overall aesthetics and value of our neighborhood. We’ve also addressed the abandoned car situation.
  • Safety Improvements: We’ve worked to improve the safety and security of our community by fixing the playground equipment, and by reminding residents to keep fire lanes free of obstruction.
  • Financial Management: Our HOA has continued to manage finances responsibly, resulting in a healthy reserve fund that allows us to plan for future projects and emergencies without imposing undue financial burdens on homeowners.
  • Community Engagement: We’ve hosted several successful events this year, including a spring festival and a yard sale, that have brought our community closer together and fostered a sense of belonging among residents.

Your participation in the upcoming meeting is crucial as we discuss ongoing projects, address any concerns, and plan for the year ahead. This is your opportunity to provide input and help shape the future of our community. Some of the items the board is currently considering are:

  • Plant trees where they are currently missing
  • Add another doggie station on Aurora Way / Savannah Lane
  • Install a ‘no alcohol’ sign at the park
  • Paint curbs near fire hydrants and accessible ramps
  • Install a sun shade above the playground equipment

Opportunity to Join the Board:

We are currently seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic homeowner to join our HOA Board of Directors. Serving on the board is a rewarding way to contribute to the well-being and continued improvement of our community. Responsibilities include attending monthly meetings, participating in decision-making processes, and helping to oversee various projects and initiatives.

If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate a fellow homeowner, please let us know prior to the meeting date by contacting EKAM via postal mail or board@piru-gateway.com via email. We welcome fresh perspectives and encourage all interested members to consider this opportunity to make a positive impact.

Please mark your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Warm regards,
Piru Gateway HOA Board of Directors

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