August 3 – Community Yard Sale

Declutter your home, make some extra cash, and join our fantastic community yard sale! 🏡💰 Mark your calendars for the first Saturday in August, between 8 AM and 2 PM.

Where Junk Becomes Funk!

  • Discover Hidden Gems: From vintage vinyl records to quirky collectibles, our community garage sale has it all! Explore neighbor’s front yards and find treasures you never knew existed.
  • Bargain Bonanza: Unbeatable deals await! Whether you’re a seasoned thrifter or a first-time bargain hunter, this event is your chance to snag incredible items at wallet-friendly prices.
  • What’s Poppin’? Our community garage sale is like a thrift store on steroids! Expect more randomness than a squirrel’s stash.

Notes for Sellers

  • Presentation Matters:
    • Arrange items neatly on tables or blankets.
    • Group similar items together (e.g., kitchenware, toys).
    • Use colorful signs or labels to catch buyers’ eyes.
  • Pricing Strategy:
    • Price items reasonably. Consider their condition, age, and original cost.
    • Be open to negotiation. Buyers love a good deal!
  • Be Friendly and Approachable:
    • Smile and greet visitors. A friendly atmosphere encourages sales.
    • Answer questions about items honestly.
  • Cash Handling:
    • Have plenty of small bills and coins for change.
    • Consider using a money apron or fanny pack for convenience.
  • Security Measures:
    • Keep your home secure. Don’t allow buyers inside unless you’re comfortable.
    • If possible, have someone help you during the sale.

Notes for Buyers

  • Early Bird Advantage:
    • Arrive early for the best selection. Serious buyers often show up before the official start time.
  • Bring Cash:
    • Most sellers prefer cash. Have small bills and coins for convenience.
  • Inspect Items Thoroughly:
    • Check for defects, missing parts, or wear.
    • Test electronics (if allowed) to ensure they work.
  • Negotiate Politely:
    • Don’t be afraid to haggle but be respectful.
    • Bundle items for better deals.
  • Ask Questions:
    • Inquire about an item’s history or use.
    • Clarify any doubts before purchasing.
  • Be Courteous:
    • Respect sellers’ space and property.
    • Follow any posted rules or guidelines.

Happy treasure hunting! 🛒🌟🔍

Contact us for question using the Contact Us form.